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Cheatsheet for Vim and Emacs

Emacs and Vim are popular text editors for Linux that enable fast and efficient editing of text using special keys and keystroke combinations. Read on to find a handy cheatsheet table for common Emacs and Vim commands.

The meta key is typically the Windows key, or the command key on Mac OS.

Action Emacs Vim
Move forward by one character CTRL-f l
Move backward by one character CTRL-b h
Move forward by one word Meta-f w
Move backward by one word Meta-b b
Move to beginning of line CTRL-a 0
Move to end of line CTRL-e $
Transpose (swap) two characters CTRL-t xp
Transpose (swap) two words Meta-t n/a
Capitalize word (upper case first letter) Meta-c n/a
Upper case to end of word Meta-u n/a
Lower case to end of word Meta-l n/a
Change case of the current character n/a ~
Insert the next character verbatim, including control characters CTRL-v CTRL-v
Delete forward by one character CTRL-d x
Delete backward by one character backspace or CTRL-h X
Cut forward by one word Meta-d dw
Cut backward by one word Meta-backspace or CTRL-w db
Cut from cursor to beginning of line CTRL-u d^
Cut from cursor to end of line CTRL-k D
Delete the entire line CTRL-e CTRL-u dd
Paste (yank) the most recently deleted text CTRL-y p
Paste (yank) the next deleted text (after previous yank) Meta-y n/a
Undo the previous editing operation CTRL-_ u
Undo all edits made so far Meta-r U
Switch from insertion mode to command mode n/a Escape
Switch from command mode to insertion mode n/a i
Abort an operation in progress CTRL-g n/a
Clear the display CTRL-l CTRL-l
Save file and quit CTRL-x CTRL-s :wq

Some people praise Vim for it's one keystroke efficiency, some prefer Emacs, which is a more full-featured editor that can do much more than text editing.